Join the conquer host program

Play for free and earn extra income hosting games in your community. NYC only (for now).

Female athletes celebrating
Screen of a calendar for creating a new game

Manage Weekly Games

Work with our team to create and manage games that fit your schedule. We will supply the venue and equipment. And of course you can play in the games you host!

App for organizing sports

Make it Your Own

Set the rules and the vibe for your games. We encourage hosts to facilitate networking and socialization after the game ends.

Screen showing where to share on social media

Share with Friends

Share your game with your network and make sure it fills. The more players that join, the more you can be compensated.

chat with friends page

Build The Community

Chat with players on the app to answer questions and build new relationships playing the sport that you love.

1. List your game

Choose a location

Easily select the location of your game from a map or a list of pre-set locations.

List a date and time

Choose the date and time that works best for you and your players.

Pick your sport

Select the sport you want to play from a list of available options.

Page for creating a new game

2. Set your rules

Create the game you like

Customize the rules to your own preferences, such as setting the number of players, game duration, and scoring system.

Set competition levels

Choose the level of competition that you want for your game, from recreational to competitive.

Set capacity and gender

Set the number of players and the gender of players you want to invite, this way you can create a game that fits your needs.

Page with the details of the created games

3. fill up the game

Invite players you know

Easily invite friends, teammates, or other players you know to join your game.

Access thousands of athletes

Thousands of athletes can find your game and join.

Refer more players for perks

Earn rewards by referring players to the app.

page with information about the games and their participants

4. chat with players

Keep players updated

Use the in-app chat feature to keep players informed about game details and any changes or updates.

Build a sense of community

Connect with players, build a sense of community, and create a positive atmosphere for the game.

Set the tone

Set the tone for the game by communicating sportsmanship and the attitude you expect from players.

Page with the game chat