Finding Pick Up Soccer Games in New York City

Edu Rigonato
Product Manager
January 3, 2023

Finding Pick Up Soccer Games in New York City

If you've just moved to New York City and you're a fan of soccer, you'll be happy to know that there's a vibrant pick up soccer scene in the city. There are plenty of opportunities to find pick up games and meet other passionate soccer fans in the city's parks and fields. Below, we'll explore how to find pick up soccer games in New York City and offer some tips on how to get involved in the scene. Plus, we'll introduce you to a new app that can help you create and join games more easily.

Check Out Local Soccer Fields and Parks

The first step to finding pick up soccer games in New York City is to check out the local soccer fields and parks. Some of the most popular spots include Riverside Park, Central Park, and Brooklyn Bridge Park. Look for groups of people playing soccer and ask if they need an extra player. If you're lucky, you might stumble upon a regular group that plays at the same time and place each week.

Join Local Soccer Groups on Facebook

Another great way to find pick up soccer games in NYC is to join local soccer groups on Facebook. Just search for "pick up soccer NYC" or "soccer games in New York City" and you'll find several groups with hundreds or even thousands of members. These groups often organize regular games or post about games that are happening in the city. Join a few groups and keep an eye out for posts about games that match your schedule.

Use the Conquer App

If you're looking for an easier way to find and create pick up soccer games in New York City, check out the Conquer App. The app allows you to quickly create or join pick up games with other local soccer players. Simply set the time, location, and skill level of the game you want to play, and other players in the area will be able to see your game. The app also includes a chat function so you can communicate with other players and coordinate games more easily.

The Conquer App is unique in the sense that the Company will help you get games going. If you are interested in hosting games in your area, you can reach out to Conquer HERE.

Finding pick up soccer games in New York City is easier than you might think. By checking out local soccer fields and parks, joining Facebook groups, using the Conquer app, and attending pick up soccer events, you can easily connect with other passionate soccer fans and get involved in the city's vibrant pick up soccer scene. So lace up your cleats, grab your soccer ball, and head out to the nearest field – a game is waiting for you!

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