Welcome to the Community

Click here to join our game host community.  By subscribing to our community and becoming a verified host, you get the following benefits:

a. Ability to post paid games/collect payment on the Conquer app
b. Access to thousands of dollars in member deals and discounts
c. Ability to network and collaborate with a large group of game hosts, facilities, and sports brand executives

Once you are a part of the Conquer Game Host Community on Circle, you will see all sections of the Community on the left side of your screen. To get started, go to the “Welcome” section and click on the “Get Started Here” channel. This channel will inform you about the benefits of the community. Once you have read the post “Welcome to the Conquer Community”, follow the next steps and go to the “Introduce Yourself” channel. At the top of this channel you will see a post with instructions on the format for introductions. To make an introduction, click on the top right where it says “New Post”. After you make your introduction, you can go back to the post at the top of the “Introduce Yourself” channel and click on “here” or you can go to the “Conquer App Onboarding” channel. Read the “Get Paid by Conquer and Start Hosting Games” in this channel to get set up and start hosting paid games as a certified host.

Ask A Question

As part of the Conquer Game Host Community you will have direct access to the Conquer team. In the “Ask a Question” section, click on the “Ask a Question & Get Help” channel. The Conquer team and members in the community will answer any questions you have.

Host Successful Games

The “Host Successful Games” section of the Community will provide you with the necessary information to host your first successful game. The “Getting Pickup Started” channel will have a post that will show our recommendations on how to find players in your area. The “Marketing Your Games” channel will have tips on how to grow your network and your game in front of more players.


In the “Community” section of the Community, the first channel you will see is “Announcements”. Here you will find all information to be up to date with Conquer. This channel will include partner deals, feature updates, and other important updates. The next channel you will see is the “Upload Content” channel. Send us pictures and videos from your events to collaborate on content with us on our social channels. The “FAQ” channel is a place for community members to ask frequently asked questions. Go through the posts to see if there’s an answer for a question you might have, or post one!

Improve the App

Help us improve your experience on our platform. In the “Improve the App” section of the Community, specifically in the “Contact/Bugs/Issues” channel,  let us know about any bugs or issues you or some of your players are experiencing. We will address them as soon as possible. Go to the “Feedback/Ideas” channel to let us know about any recommendations you have for the app.


In the “Sports” section of the Community, you can talk to others in the community for the sport you host. We have channels for soccer/futsal, basketball, pickleball, and yoga. Members will talk about the best equipment to buy, new locations to play at, rules for good pickup games, mixing it up with another group, and more!


In the “Hosts” section of the Community, you will see the “Facilities” and “Group Organizer” channels. In the “Facilities” channel, you will find members of community helping facilities in the community facilitate rentals. If you’re looking for some facility space, you might find some here! Help or collaborate with facilities in the community to fill up a game at their venue. If you’re looking to spice up your games with some new competition, be active in the “Group Organizers” channel to collaborate with other organizers for games.


In the “Locations” section of the Community, you will find the  “New York City” and the “New Jersey” channels. These two channels were created so you can collaborate with other members in your respective locations.


In the “Links” section, you will have links to the Conquer app, Circle app, and Conquer Instagram account. Download the Circle app to be up to date with the Conquer Community and make sure to keep notifications on so you don’t miss anything important. Follow our Conquer Instagram account to see content from games on the Conquer app.

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